Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme 


About this role

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) Volunteers provide friendship and companionship to a person in an aged care facility in the Canterbury/Bankstown area who is experiencing social isolation and loneliness.

As a ACVVS Volunteer, you would visit your friend fortnightly on a one-to-one basis. The visits are friendly and relaxed and you may chat, talk about current news, reminisce, listen to music, play a board or card game.

Volunteer Requirements –

  • Caring and empathetic towards people with health issues
  • Enjoy spending time listening and talking with people
  • Mature approach and interest in people
  • Willing to visit regularly (weekly or fortnightly)
  • Able to commit to visiting for 6 months or more
  • Keep in regular contact with the Community Visitor Scheme coordinator
  • Over 18 years of age (over 16 years old may be considered)
  • You may be bilingual

Volunteer Benefits –

  • Training, information and resources
  • Continuing support and guidance from the Community Visitor Scheme coordinator

Additional Requirements

  • National Police Check Certificate*

*Can be arranged through Chester Hill Neighbourhood Centre depending on the candidate’s suitability for the role


About the Scheme

Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme is an Australian Government funded program that aims to enrich the quality of life of residents in aged care homes who are socially isolated and lonely.


Download the brochure and forms here for more information or to apply


ACVVS Position Description

ACVVS National Guidelines (2023)

ACVVS Application Form

ACCVS and Home Care Package (HCP) Providers Factsheet

ACVVS and Residential Aged Care Homes (RACH) Factsheet